Manage a CockroachDB Advanced Cluster

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This page describes the cluster management and cluster deletion workflows for CockroachDB Advanced.

Planning your cluster

Before making any changes to your cluster's nodes or regions, review the requirements and recommendations for CockroachDB Cloud cluster configuration.

View Clusters page

On logging in to the CockroachDB Cloud Console, the Clusters page is displayed. The Clusters page provides a high-level view of your clusters.

To view and manage a specific cluster, click the name of the cluster. The Overview page will display.

View cluster overview

The Overview page displays details about the selected CockroachDB Cloud cluster.

From the Overview page, you can connect to your cluster. For more information, see Connect to Your CockroachDB Advanced Cluster.

Scale your cluster

These sections show how to scale a Advanced cluster horizontally by adding or removing nodes or vertically by changing each node's storage and compute resources.

Add or remove nodes from a cluster

You can add or remove nodes from your cluster through the Console. See Planning your cluster for cluster requirements and recommendations before proceeding.


You cannot scale a multi-node cluster down to a single-node cluster.

To add or remove nodes from your cluster:

  1. Navigate to the cluster's Overview page.
  2. In the Cluster settings section, click the pencil icon next to the cluster's Regions.

    The Edit cluster page displays.

  3. On the Regions page, select the number of nodes you want in each region from the Nodes dropdown.

  4. In the sidebar, verify the hourly estimated cost for the cluster.

  5. Click Next: Capacity and then Update cluster.

Change compute for a cluster

  1. Navigate to the cluster's Overview page and click Update capacity.

    The Edit cluster page displays.

  2. In the Compute per node section, select the new amount of vCPUs per node.


    When scaling up your cluster, it is generally more effective to increase node size up to 16 vCPUs before adding more nodes. For most production applications, we recommend at least 4 to 8 vCPUs per node. For new CockroachDB Cloud organizations created after September 26, 2024, a cluster must have at least 4 vCPUs per node.

  3. In the sidebar, verify the hourly estimated cost for the cluster.

  4. Click Next: Update cluster.

Increase storage for a cluster


AWS disks can only be scaled once every six hours.

  1. Navigate to the cluster's Overview page.
  2. Select Actions > Edit cluster.

    The Edit cluster page displays.

  3. In the Storage per node section, select the new amount of storage per node.


    Storage space cannot be removed due to cloud provider limitations.

  4. In the sidebar, verify the hourly estimated cost for the cluster.

  5. Click Next: Update cluster.

Add or remove regions from a cluster

You can add or remove up to nine regions at a time through the Console. Note that you cannot have a two-region cluster, and it will take about 30 minutes to add or remove each region. See Planning your cluster for cluster requirements and recommendations before proceeding.

Add a region to a cluster

You can add up to nine regions at a time through the Console. See Planning your cluster for cluster requirements and recommendations before proceeding.

  1. Navigate to the cluster's Overview page.
  2. In the Cluster settings section, click the pencil icon next to the cluster's Regions.

    The Edit cluster page displays.

  3. On the Regions page, click Add a region.

    If you have a GCP cluster with VPC peering enabled, the IP range will be automatically populated for added regions.

  4. Select the desired new region and specify the number of nodes for it.

  5. In the sidebar, verify the hourly estimated cost for the cluster.

  6. Click Next: Capacity and then Update cluster.

Remove a region from your cluster

When you remove a region from a multi-region cluster, the node in that region with the highest ordinal will be decommissioned first. Any ranges on that node will be up-replicated to other nodes, and once decommission is complete that node will be shut down. This process is then repeated for every other node in the region.


If your zone configurations are set to pin range replicas to a specific region, you cannot remove that region.

To remove a region from your cluster:

  1. Navigate to the cluster's Overview page.
  2. In the Cluster settings section, click the pencil icon next to the cluster's Regions.

    The Edit cluster page displays.

  3. On the Regions page, click the X button next to each region you want to remove.


    If you remove one region from a three-region cluster, CockroachDB Cloud will automatically reduce it to a single-region configuration by deleting two regions.

  4. In the sidebar, verify the hourly estimated cost for the cluster.

  5. Click Next: Capacity and then Update cluster.

Set a maintenance window

From your cluster's Overview page, you can view and manage the maintenance and patch upgrade window for your cluster. During the window, your cluster may experience restarts, degraded performance, and downtime for single-node clusters. To help keep your clusters updated while minimizing disruptions, set a window of time when your cluster is experiencing the lowest traffic. If no maintenance window is set, your cluster will be automatically upgraded as soon as new patch versions are available, and other cluster maintenance occurs as needed. Refer to CockroachDB Cloud Upgrade Policy.


Maintenance operations that are critical for cluster security or stability may be applied outside of the maintenance window, and upgrades that begin in a maintenance window may not always be completed by the end of the window.

To set a maintenance window:

  1. Click the pencil icon next to Cluster maintenance to edit the maintenance window.
  2. From the Day dropdown, select the day of the week during which maintenance may be applied.
  3. From the Start of window dropdown, select a start time for your maintenance window in UTC.

    The window will last for 6 hours from the start time.

  4. (Optional) If you want to delay automatic patch upgrades for 60 days, switch Delay patch upgrades to On.

    Enable this setting for production clusters to ensure that development and testing clusters are upgraded before production clusters. This setting applies only to patch versions and not to other kinds of upgrades.

Restore data from a backup

Cockroach Labs automatically runs full managed backups daily and incremental backups hourly for every CockroachDB Advanced cluster. Full backups are retained for 30 days and incremental backups for 7 days. Refer to Use Managed Backups for ways to restore data from your cluster's automatic backups in the Console.

Additionally, you can back up and restore your CockroachDB Advanced cluster manually. For detail on taking backups to your cloud storage, see Take and Restore Self-Managed Backups.


All databases are not backed up at the same time. Each database is backed up every hour based on the time of creation. For larger databases, you might see an hourly CPU spike while the database is being backed up.

Configure PCI ready features

CockroachDB Advanced advanced clusters have a PCI ready panel to monitor the status of security features required for PCI readiness. Feature statuses will update from INACTIVE to ACTIVE once you configure them. Learn more about configuring these features:

You can also check the status of these features on the PCI ready page of the CockroachDB Cloud Console.

Delete cluster


Deleting a cluster will delete all cluster data.


You will only be billed for a CockroachDB Advanced cluster while it is running. You can delete a cluster at any time to stop charges from accumulating.

Proceed with the following steps only if you are sure you want to delete a cluster:

  1. Navigate to the Overview page for the cluster you want to delete.
  2. Click the Actions button in the top right corner.
  3. Select Delete cluster.
  4. In the confirmation window, enter the name of the cluster.
  5. Click Delete.

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